This is the webpage of the Palestinian Advanced Learning With Machines School 2022, to be held at Birzeit University and in Gaza, 24-28th July 2022. PALMS 2022 is jointly organized by Birzeit University, Gaza Sky Geeks and Scientists for Palestine.
The aim of the school is to provide advanced undergraduate and master level students with an overview of exciting recent developments in machine learning, not normally included in the regular curriculum. Accommodation will be provided free of charge for students who are travelling to attend.
Lectures are given by internationally recognised experts on a variety of topics, ranging from neural networks and Bayesian inference to unsupervised machine learning. Through collaborative problem solving sessions, discussion groups and social events, students will interact with lecturers and organisers.
PALMS 2022 will also include sessions on “Opportunities in Academia”, such as applying for Ph.D. programs, postdoctoral jobs, etc.
The school poster can be downloaded from here. The schedule for the summer school can be found here.
Confirmed lecturers include:
Marwa Mahmoud (University of Glasgow)
Eyad Elyan (Robert Gordon University)
Maurizio Pierini (CERN)
Daniel Worrall (Deepmind)
The school will also include some additional talks:
- Careers and opportunities
- CVs, cover letters, emails etc.
The target audience for the school is undergraduate and Master students at universities in Palestine studying a relevant science subject. Preference will be given to students enrolled in Physics or Computer Science programs. Please fill in this form to register. Due to travel restrictions on students from Gaza, this summer school will be held jointly at Birzeit University in the West Bank and at Gaza Sky Geeks in Gaza, with remote links used to allow group interactions. Students should clearly indicate in the application which branch of the school you would like to attend. Interested students should apply by 1st 15th June.
Local Organizers:
- Birzeit University
- Gaza Sky Geeks
Scientists For Palestine Schools Organizing Committee:
- Prof. Anne-Christine Davis, University of Cambridge
- Dr. Nabil Iqbal, Durham University
- Muath Natsheh, New York University
- Sameh Othman, Jülich Research Centre
- Dr. Donna Rodgers-Lee, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
- Dr. Deema Totah, University of Iowa
- Dr. Thomas Van Riet, KU Leuven
If you have any questions and would like to get in touch, please email us
The school is made possible by generous contributions and support from the ICTP, CERN, Birzeit University, Gaza Sky Geeks and Bisan Systems Ltd.
This summer school precedes the seventh Palestinian conference on modern trends in mathematics and physics.