Professional mathematicians are invited to nominate highly motivated and mathematically talented students from developing countries who plan to complete a doctoral degree in a developing country, including their own home country. Nominees must have a consistently good academic record and must be seriously interested in pursuing a career of research and teaching in mathematics.
The nomination process will open on February 1, 2021 and conclude at 09:00 AM hours CET on May 31, 2021.
For more details see here
Category: Scholarships & Funding Opportunities (Page 1 of 2)
We are collecting information on funding opportunities from various external sources, relevant to Palestinian students and academics. Please visit the funding opportunities webpages for the most up-to-date and detailed information. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability from any inaccuracy in any of the material on this website. This list is not meant to be a comprehensive list of funding opportunities, and we cannot endorse any of these opportunities. We cannot provide assistance with applications, if you have questions or need assistance with applications please contact the funding agencies directly.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences is offering a scholarship to a student from a low or middle income country (as defined below) who wishes to study for a Masters in Mathematical Sciences , or a Masters in Particles, Strings and Cosmology. The scholarship covers full fees and accommodation for one year at Trevelyan College, and includes full catering during term time.
The closing date for applications is Monday May 1st 2021.
all details here
In collaboration with UNESCO and a number of centres of excellence in the South, TWAS has instituted a Joint Associateship Scheme to enable competent researchers from the South to visit these centres regularly. An associate is appointed for three years during which he/she can visit a Centre twice for research collaboration. Almost 300 centres have been selected to participate in the Scheme.
All details here
The Nature Communications journals (Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Environment, Materials, and Physics) offer grants for early career researchers to attend training courses or workshops. The full details appear here.
PARC offers fellowships for those working toward or holding a PhD in a variety of research areas. The full details appear here.
This scholarship is available to candidates from Palestine (residing in the West Bank, Gaza or East Jerusalem) who apply to take a Master’s in any subject. It is only tenable at Churchill College, and may not be awarded annually.
All details here
The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Programme is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (Polish: Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej – NAWA within the framework of Polish Development Assistance.
see all details here
The new Study in Canada Scholarships program will offer full academic scholarships for up to two years of study at the post-secondary level that leads to a diploma, post-secondary or post-graduate certificate, or Master’s degree at a college, technical or vocational institute, or university in Canada. The Study in Canada Scholarships program is open to students from all disciplines.
all details here.
AMIDEAST supports numerous scholarship and fellowship programs – more information here.
The Saïd Foundation offers a number of scholarships annually. It also offers joint scholarships with selected universities in the UK. Find out more here. Applications for scholarships are now open, closing at 23.59 (UK time) on Friday 1 November 2019.
18 – 28 August 2019 at Palestine Polytechnic University and Bethlehem University, Palestine
The Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) in cooperation with Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU), Bethlehem University (BU), and Palestine Academy for Science and Technology (PALAST) are organizing the ‘AGYA Summer School in Numerical Simulation’. The AGYA Summer School takes place from 18 to 28 August 2019 at Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, and Bethlehem University, Bethlehem, in Palestine and will be led by international experts. It is aimed at students and young researchers studying or researching in the fields of mathematics, physics, engineering, and related fields.
More details here. the application form is available here, please see here where to send it to.

ICTP offers fellowships to candidates coming from Developing Countries: it covers the MHPC tuition fees as well as the cost-of-living expenses and a return ticket from the origin country. The scholarships are provided by ICTP (not by MHPC), and winners are automatically admitted to MHPC.
all information here.
The IPSP supports students from Palestine to undertake one-year Master’s-level studies in Ireland. Application forms and the course directory for the IPSP can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. The deadline for applications is 14 March 2019. Shortlisted candidates can be expected to be called for interviews and language testing exams in the first week of April 2019.
All details here.
The Fellowship is offered to women scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs) to undertake PhD research in the Natural, Engineering and Information Technology sciences at a host institute in the South.
All details here. Deadline for submission: 30 May 2019.
As part of the Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF), the Royal Society has launched an award to enable outstanding UK research leaders to develop international collaborations with the best leading researchers from around the world, to work on some of the global challenges and problems facing developing countries. All the details here. The deadline is 3pm on Thursday 4 April 2019.
These schemes are for scientists based in the UK (or US for the Kan Tong Po programme) who want to stimulate collaborations with leading scientists overseas through either a one-off visit or bilateral travel. All the details here. The current deadline is 3pm on Wednesday 13 March 2019.
ICTP is now accepting applications from young physicists and mathematicians for the 2019-2020 class of the Postgraduate Diploma Programme. The one year course of study prepares talented students for PhD studies, as part of the Centre’s efforts to promote advanced scientific research in developing countries.
All the details here. The deadline is 28 February 2019.
This website collects various scholarship possibilities for international students to pursue graduate studies in the USA.
“ASPIRE is a 10-week program for highly-motivated students to work at the cutting-edge of astronomical research at the Anton Pannekoek Institute (API), University of Amsterdam. Our goal is to give you the experience of astronomical research at a world-leading institute and help kick-start your journey into a science career and all the other avenues it can open. You’ll gain new research skills and an advisor who will be your guide and mentor. We are especially seeking students whose opportunities to access to such experiences are currently limited.”
all details here, including on what funding is available.
The American Astronomical Society the lists summer opportunities for students they have been informed of here.
As part of the scientific collaboration between researchers in Quebec and their counterparts in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza, the Palestinian Quebec Science Bridge (PQSB) aims at promoting the international mobility of Palestinian researchers, especially early-career and junior researchers, and their counterparts in Quebec.
In accordance with the PALAST, FRQS, FRQNT and FRQSC Agreement, the PQSB will fund research projects in three broad research areas: health sciences; natural sciences and engineering; and social sciences, humanities, and arts.
all details on their website.
Perimeter Scholars International is a one-year master’s-level course in theoretical physics designed to bring highly qualified and exceptionally motivated graduate students to the cutting edge of the field in an intense, interactive training environment.
The program includes funding. For more information visit their website here.
STEPS (St Andrews Education for Palestinian Students) was established in January 2011 as an independent charitable foundation to provide funding for Palestinian students at the University of St Andrews.
This scholarship, co-funded by STEPS and the University of St Andrews, will provide funding for up to two Palestinian students to undertake a one-year postgraduate course of study.
All the details here.
“Advancing Theoretical Astrophysics” is intended to build and strengthen essential skills in physics and computation for a career in theoretical astrophysics. We will focus on problems related to accretion and outflows around compact objects; however, many of the skills will translate easily to other fields of theoretical astrophysics. The summer school prioritizes a supportive, collaborative, and diverse learning environment.
more information, including on possible funding here.
The Higher Education Scholarship Palestine (HESPAL) aims to help create the next generation of senior academics who can maintain international quality standards at Palestinian universities and to develop renewed, sustainable links between Palestinian and UK universities.
The scheme will upgrade academic staff in Palestinian universities through a Masters or PhD Scholarship programme.
The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cultivates the leaders of tomorrow by providing outstanding university graduates and professionals from developing and emerging economies with the opportunity to pursue fully-funded graduate studies at the University of Oxford, combined with a comprehensive programme of leadership development, long-term mentoring and networking. More details here.
The IAC was registered as a UK charity in 1978, and has since focused on funding projects and initiatives addressing humanitarian relief, education and culture in the Middle East. The IAC is also focused on promoting the richness of Middle Eastern culture in the UK.
It has have sponsored many Arab students to help further their education in the UK . More details here.
The Hani Qaddumi Foundation provides grants to both undergraduate and graduate students in Palestine and Lebanon. Its aim is to drive improvements in education and its impact on Palestinians in Palestine and in Palestinian communities in the diaspora. More details here.
Applications are now being accepted for Perimeter Institute’s Undergraduate Theoretical Physics Summer Program. This fully-funded two-week summer school offers students the opportunity to participate in ground-breaking research while learning research tools and collaboration skills in the multi-disciplinary environment of the world’s largest independent theoretical physics research centre.
Features of the program include:
- No program fee
- No application fee
- All meals, accommodation and transportation provided
- Opportunity to stay at Perimeter for a paid four-month research internship (start and end dates negotiable).
Apply online at
More details here.
“The Early Career Women Scientists (ECWS) fellowship is a prestigious award of up to USD 50,000 offered to women who have completed their PhDs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects and are employed at an academic or scientific research institute in one of the listed Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs).” More information on their website
The IsDB Scholarship Programmes are an important tool in the development initiatives led by the IsDB since 1983 to foster technology and knowledge sharing among member countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries. More details here.
Information on scholarship for foreign students to study in France here.
The French government has scholarships for studies, training courses and language courses in France. More information on their website here.
Ahdaf supports young people intending to undertake their first undergraduate degree at a university in the West Bank or Gaza, who have not attended university before, and may consider students who are enrolled and in their first year. All the details on to whom the scholarship applies to and what is included are available on their website.
Scholarships Ads is a regularly updated and relatively thorough listing of scholarships around the world, mostly for masters and PhD programs. Their search engine allows for searches by country, research area, etc. Website is here.
The European Union offers scholarships for master degrees through the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree program. These are available in all areas of research, including all areas of science. In each area, groups of European universities join together to offer positions. For more information on eligibility, funds available, deadlines, etc. visit their website here.
scholars4dev, short for Scholarships for Development, is an updated listing of international scholarships that are open to students from developing countries and international students in general. Website here.
The International Mathematical Union/CDC’s program provides research assistantships to graduate – PhD and Master – students of emerging research groups working in a developing country listed in Priority 1 or 2 of the IMU CDC Definition of Developing Countries. All the details are here.
Swiss government offers different fellowships depending on country of origin to pursue research or further studies at doctoral or post-doctoral level in Switzerland. See here for all the details and deadlines.
Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) call for grants under the Global Challenges Research Fund. STFC covers particle physics, space science, nuclear physics and astronomy. More information here.
The Global Challenges Research Fund is a fund announced by the UK Government in late 2015 to support cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. There are different calls, in different areas, for UK based researchers. More information here.
Award from the Royal Society (UK) for outstanding UK research leaders to develop international collaborations with the best leading researchers from around the world, to work on some of the global challenges and problems facing developing countries. This scheme covers natural sciences and engineering. More information here.
Royal Society (UK) scheme to provide funding to support Research Consortia involving groups in the UK and developing countries to address Global Challenge. The scheme covers natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities and medical and clinical research. More details here.
Scholarship for one taught postgraduate student from Gaza at the University of Sheffield. The scholarship covers the cost of tuition and provides support towards your living costs. More information here.
Scholarships are available to Palestinian students for undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes at the University of Bristol. More information here.
Friends of Birzeit University supports the right to education and its role in the wider development of Palestinian society. Learn more about the Fobzu Scholarship Programme here.
The Fulbright Program enables Palestinian students to pursue graduate-level study in the United States of America. Participants also have the unique opportunity to experience life in the United States and to share Palestinian culture and traditions with Americans. Participants are chosen through a merit-based, open competition in which leadership potential, academic excellence and ability to adjust to life in the United States are all considered.
The Palestinian Rule of Law Awards provide scholarships for one-year academic master of laws (LLM) programs for qualified applicants from the West Bank and Gaza for study at selected law schools in the United States and the Central European University in Budapest.
Perimeter Scholars International is a one-year master’s-level course in theoretical physics designed to bring highly qualified and exceptionally motivated graduate students to the cutting edge of the field in an intense, interactive training environment.
Taught by some of the world’s most brilliant physicists, students at PSI are fully integrated into the unique international culture and dynamic research atmosphere of a leading centre, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, while earning a Master of Science from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.