Prof. Daniel Pauly (University of British Columbia)
Title: The Fisheries of the Southern Mediterranean, from Morocco to Turkey (1950-2020)
Abstract: The Mediterranean and its fisheries have been studied for millennia, but much of the published information pertain to its Northern coast, from Spain to Greece, i.e., to countries of the European Union. This account presents the ‘catch reconstructions’ and information gathered in the process of detailed examinations of the fisheries along the Southern coast of the Mediterranean by country, from Morocco in the West to the Turkey in the east, which are often ignored in Mediterranean studies. Some of the challenges facing fisheries and fisheries research in the countries of the Southern Mediterranean will be presented.
Biographical Sketch: Daniel Pauly
Daniel Pauly is a world-renowned fisheries scientist. He is currently the Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us initiative, a large research project devoted to identifying and quantifying global fisheries trends. He is also a Killam professor at the University of British Columbia’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries.
The concepts, methods and software which Daniel Pauly led and co-developed are documented in over 1000 scientific and general-interest publications, and are used throughout the world. This applies to the Ecopath modeling approach and software and FishBase, the online encyclopedia of more than 30,000 fish species, which was recently complemented by SeaLifeBase. He is a recipient of numerous awards, including the International Cosmos Prize, the Volvo Environment Prize, the Nierenberg Prize and the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Ecology and Conservation Biology. He was named France’s Chevalier de la Legion D’Honneur in 2017.