Author: Scientist4Palestine (Page 2 of 3)

AGYA Summer School in Numerical Simulation

18 – 28 August 2019 at Palestine Polytechnic University and Bethlehem University, Palestine

The Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) in cooperation with Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU), Bethlehem University (BU), and Palestine Academy for Science and Technology (PALAST) are organizing the ‘AGYA Summer School in Numerical Simulation’. The AGYA Summer School takes place from 18 to 28 August 2019 at Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, and Bethlehem University, Bethlehem, in Palestine and will be led by international experts. It is aimed at students and young researchers studying or researching in the fields of mathematics, physics, engineering, and related fields.

More details here. the application form is available here, please see here where to send it to.

Palestinian Advanced Physics School 2019

We are very happy to announce the third Palestinian Advanced Physics School, to be held at Birzeit University from July 14th — July 18th. The aim of the school is to provide Palestinian advanced undergraduate and master levels students with an overview of exciting recent developments in modern physics, not normally included in the regular curriculum. We encourage all qualified students to apply by May 31st at:

Masters in High Performance Computing

ICTP offers fellowships to candidates coming from Developing Countries: it covers the MHPC tuition fees as well as the cost-of-living expenses and a return ticket from the origin country. The scholarships are provided by ICTP (not by MHPC), and winners are automatically admitted to MHPC.

all information here.

Ireland-Palestine Scholarship Programme

The IPSP supports students from Palestine to undertake one-year Master’s-level studies in Ireland. Application forms and the course directory for the IPSP can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. The deadline for applications is 14 March 2019. Shortlisted candidates can be expected to be called for interviews and language testing exams in the first week of April 2019.

All details here.

Scientific cooperation in the face of occupation

The following statement was approved at the Annual General Meeting of Scientists for Palestine on January 13th 2019:

Scientists for Palestine believes that free collaboration among nations is one of the pillars of the way the scientific community should operate. Understanding how this principle is infringed in the case of Palestine is of tantamount importance, as we attempt to explain in this document.

The primary obstacle towards strengthening science in Palestine is the ongoing Israeli  occupation of the West Bank, and the siege of the Gaza strip. The occupation infringes on:

  1. The right to education of the Palestinian people: through systematic forced closure [1], raids [2], destructions and even bombing [3] of Palestinian universities, schools [4] and scientific infrastructures, Israeli forces prevent Palestinians from having the right to their own education [5], a right which is protected by Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [6]. Furthermore, there have been instances in which established academics have been held in Israeli jails with neither trial nor official charges, apparently just for criticizing these policies [7].
  2. The freedom of movement: the mobility of Palestinian scientists and students is critically limited by checkpoints in the West Bank [8], which tremendously delay internal travel, an incredibly convoluted system of permits to leave Gaza [9], which makes it a de facto open air prison, and the lack of a single operating airport between the West Bank and Gaza. Modern scientific collaboration can only flourish when scientists are free to travel and are able to experience an exchange of ideas and perspectives.
  3. Access to equipment and infrastructure: Israeli institutions control nearly everything that comes into Gaza and the West Bank, severely restricting what can be imported [8], as well as the granting of planning permissions in ‘Area C’ of the West Bank. This makes it almost impossible for Palestinian scientists to build experiments or the infrastructure needed for large scientific projects.

Those restrictions have a strong impact on potential collaborations between the Palestinian academic community and the international scientific community, including in particular Israel. In fact:

  1. There cannot be a true and fair collaboration between Palestinians and Israelis as long as the former do not have free access to the academic and scientific resources and infrastructure that the latter have (residents of the West Bank and Gaza cannot freely travel to Israel, for instance).
  2. As discussed above, the primary obstacle to Palestinian scientific progress is not a lack of friendliness, but instead those policies implemented by the Israeli government, many in open violation of international law, which repress and discriminate Palestinians.

The Palestinian academic community has largely recognized that their Israeli colleagues’ denouncement and active opposition to the occupation are important. This must be clearly understood as a joint opposition effort between partners that are unequal due to the impacts of the ongoing occupation. Such joint opposition efforts are in contrast to activities that, under the pretext of collaboration, ignore – and thereby normalize – the impact of the occupation in science. Efforts from Israeli academics and scientists of conscience recognizing the situation described in this document and condemning without reservation human right abuses against Palestinians should be encouraged.


[1] University Closure History | Birzeit University.
[2] Birzeit University denounces early-morning campus raid by Israeli military (2017, 14 Dec).
Al-Quds University strongly condemns the raid by the Israeli forces of its campus (2017, 18 Dec).
[3] Israel strikes university in Gaza city, (2014, 2 Aug).
[4] EU Local statement on the dismantling of schools in the West Bank (2018, 26 Oct.).
[5] Israel’s assault on Palestinian universities is a threat to human rights and a tragedy for this generation of students (2018, 21 Oct).
[6] The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
[7] Starved of justice: Palestinians detained without trial by Israel.
[8] Nature: In the Palestinian territories, science struggles against all odds.
[9] Science in the Gaza Strip: the impact of the Israeli occupation. Video produced by Scientists for Palestine.


Scientists for Palestine’s Second Annual General Meeting

Scientists for Palestine had its second Annual General Meeting on Sunday, January 13th 2019, the first one since the constituent General Meeting where S4P’s constitution was approved. During this important meeting members came together to assess the actions of the organization over the last year, and to discuss the direction to take for the future year. Members also voted and passed various amendments to the S4P constitution which was thus accordingly modified, other resolutions and elected the leadership of the organization for the following year.

Astrophysics Summer Program for International Research Experience

ASPIRE is a 10-week program for highly-motivated students to work at the cutting-edge of astronomical research at the Anton Pannekoek Institute (API), University of Amsterdam. Our goal is to give you the experience of astronomical research at a world-leading institute and help kick-start your journey into a science career and all the other avenues it can open. You’ll gain new research skills and an advisor who will be your guide and mentor. We are especially seeking students whose opportunities to access to such experiences are currently limited.”

all details here, including on what funding is available.

Palestine-Quebec Science Bridge (Canada)

As part of the scientific collaboration between researchers in Quebec and their counterparts in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza, the Palestinian Quebec Science Bridge (PQSB) aims at promoting the international mobility of Palestinian researchers, especially early-career and junior researchers, and their counterparts in Quebec.

In accordance with the PALAST, FRQS, FRQNT and FRQSC Agreement, the PQSB will fund research projects in three broad research areas: health sciences; natural sciences and engineering; and social sciences, humanities, and arts.

all details on their website.

Perimeter Scholars International (Canada)

Perimeter Scholars International is a one-year master’s-level course in theoretical physics designed to bring highly qualified and exceptionally motivated graduate students to the cutting edge of the field in an intense, interactive training environment.

The program includes funding. For more information visit their website here.

St Andrews Education for Palestinian Students (UK)

STEPS (St Andrews Education for Palestinian Students) was established in January 2011 as an independent charitable foundation to provide funding for Palestinian students at the University of St Andrews.

This scholarship, co-funded by STEPS and the University of St Andrews, will provide funding for up to two Palestinian students to undertake a one-year postgraduate course of study.

All the details here.

Advancing Theoretical Astrophysics Summer School (The Netherlands)

“Advancing Theoretical Astrophysics” is intended to build and strengthen essential skills in physics and computation for a career in theoretical astrophysics. We will focus on problems related to accretion and outflows around compact objects; however, many of the skills will translate easily to other fields of theoretical astrophysics. The summer school prioritizes a supportive, collaborative, and diverse learning environment.

more information, including on possible funding here.

Second International Meeting for Science in Palestine

Our  Second International Meeting for Science in Palestine ended this Sunday at Columbia University, NY, USA.

We are tremendously grateful to everyone who took the time to participate. The weekend was an incredible success and it was beyond wonderful seeing so many people, coming from different backgrounds and sharing different skills, all working towards the same goal: developing innovative visions to support and advanced the integration of the Palestinian scientific community into the broader international community.

Because of the incredible success of the conference, we had to face some exceptional expenses and we are currently $ 1150 dollar short. That is why we have raised our fundraiser goal from $ 5000 to $ 6150. If you haven’t donated yet, and you have money to do it, please consider donating to support our activities, share the fundraiser and ask your friends to support. No donation is too small!

If you missed the meeting you can watch the recordings of the events on our Facebook page, direct links to the various sessions are available here.


Second International Meeting for Science in Palestine starting soon

The second International Meeting for Science in Palestine will start soon at Columbia University, NY, USA.

The meeting starts this Friday at 5:30PM with a public event on Doing science under military occupation: the case of Palestine.

The rest of the weekend is for registered participant only, but we will try to live-stream the meeting – more information will be posted here and on our facebook page.

You see the full program here.

Continue reading

Program now available

The program of the Second International Meeting for Science in Palestine is now available here.

The meeting will open with a public event on Doing science under military occupation: the case of Palestine.

The meeting will continue on Saturday and Sunday with sessions for registered participants only. We will hear updates from Palestinian academics on their research along with the challenges they face to carry it out. The meeting will be a unique opportunity to connect with concerned scientists who are willing to work to help build connections with Palestine.

Perimeter Institute’s Undergraduate Theoretical Physics Summer Program (Canada)

Applications are now being accepted for Perimeter Institute’s Undergraduate Theoretical Physics Summer Program. This fully-funded two-week summer school offers students the opportunity to participate in ground-breaking research while learning research tools and collaboration skills in the multi-disciplinary environment of the world’s largest independent theoretical physics research centre.

Features of the program include:

  • No program fee
  • No application fee
  • All meals, accommodation and transportation provided
  • Opportunity to stay at Perimeter for a paid four-month research internship (start and end dates negotiable).

Apply online at

More details here.

Fundraising campaign for the 2nd International Meeting for Science in Palestine

Scientists for Palestine is raising funds for the Second International Meeting for Science in  Palestine, and we need your support.

Most of the money collected here will go towards the essential expenses to run the meeting and in particular towards funding airfare and visa fees for our Palestinian colleagues to make it possible for them to attend the gathering. The breakdown will be as follows:

  • $ 3400 will go towards reimbursing visa and travel expenses for Palestinian scientists.
  • $ 1000 will go towards meals during the event and one social dinner.
  • $ 600 will go towards advertisment and extra expenses.

No donation is too small, and all contributions are greatly appreciated!

From November 9th through 11th, 2018 Scientists for Palestine and many other members of the international scientific community, will gather at Columbia University in the City of New York for our Second International Meeting for Science in Palestine, a weekend-long meeting involving multiple plenary and parallel sessions.

The goal of the workshop is to reaffirm our vision and establish new and ambitious objectives for scientific collaboration between the Palestinian and the international community, transcending the limitations caused by 50 years of ongoing occupation.

International meetings for science in Palestine are essential to break the international isolation of the Palestinian academic community. Though organising high-level scientific events requires funding. To make sure that Palestinian academics are able to participate and take an active role in the event we need to face the high cost of airfares and visa fees. Unfortunately securing funding for non-standard scientific gatherings like the upcoming one at Columbia University, can be challenging. Very few universities, laboratories, or science agencies provide funding for such events.

Second International Meeting for Science in Palestine

From November 9th through 11th, 2018 Scientists for Palestine and many other members of the international scientific community, will gather at Columbia University in the City of New York for a weekend-long meeting involving multiple plenary and parallel sessions. The event is co-sponsored by the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University, Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, Science for the People and Within our Lifetime • United for Palestine. This will be Scientists for Palestine’s second international gathering, after a similar initiative hosted earlier this year at the University of Cambridge, UK.

The event is only open for registered participants, if you would like to participate please fill out the application form. The application deadline is October 30th 2018. Up to date information will be available in the gathering’s webpage, and on the Facebook event.

Participants are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

Continue reading

Ahdaf scholarships

Ahdaf supports young people intending to undertake their first undergraduate degree at a university in the West Bank or Gaza, who have not attended university before, and may consider students who are enrolled and in their first year. All the details on to whom the scholarship applies to and what is included are available on their website.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (Europe)

The European Union offers scholarships for master degrees through the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree program. These are available in all areas of research, including all areas of science. In each area, groups of European universities join together to offer positions. For more information on eligibility, funds available, deadlines, etc. visit their website here.

Global Challenges Research Fund

The Global Challenges Research Fund is a fund announced by the UK Government in late 2015 to support cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. There are different calls, in different areas, for UK based researchers. More information here.

Royal Society International Collaboration Awards

Award from  the Royal Society (UK) for outstanding UK research leaders to develop international collaborations with the best leading researchers from around the world, to work on some of the global challenges and problems facing developing countries. This scheme covers natural sciences and engineering. More  information here.

Royal Society Challenge-led Grants

Royal Society (UK) scheme to provide funding to support Research Consortia involving groups in the UK and developing countries to address Global Challenge. The scheme covers natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities and medical and clinical research. More details here.

Scientists for Palestine is seeking support for a mentoring initiative

Scientists for Palestine is seeking a concrete support for a mentoring initiative involving Palestinian students and academics.

In keeping with S4P’s mission, we hope that many of you might be able to assist one or more Palestinian students or academics working in, undertaking a degree in, or seeking employment in your area of work. Examples of such assistance may include:

  • Academic writing mentoring (i.e. help with English and technical writing) for dissertations, research manuscripts, etc.
  • Review and feedback on a student application for a higher education degree or postgraduate employment.
  • Review and feedback on an academic’s research manuscript, grant proposal, etc.

Indeed, S4P has every indication that such assistance is in high demand at all levels of Palestinian science, from undergraduate to senior academic, so we expect no shortage of requests.

However, we are acutely conscious that spare time is in very short supply for many of you. That is why we would tremendously value your support in this mentoring project! We seek help of scientist of conscience who could make an immediate impact on the learning experience and/or career progression of Palestinian scientists, whose full potential is clearly thwarted by the direct and indirect effects of the Israeli Occupation.

Your contribution has the potential to open up opportunities to students and colleagues with a great passion for science and remarkable determination to excel, despite their right to education being compromised on a daily basis.

Please fill out this form if are willing to help in any way.

Funding opportunities for Palestinian Students and Academics

We are pleased to announce that our website has a new section collecting important information about a wide variety of funding opportunities for Palestinian students and academics.

Scholarships & Funding Opportunities

In particular, there are now links to various scholarships for students.

We are committed to keep this section as update as possible hoping this list will keep on growing. If you know of any funding opportunity which you think could be useful but that is missing, let us know filling out our appropriate form. It only takes a couple of minutes!

We are now currently working on expanding the section to also include information about different summer schools, as well as research grants relevant for Palestinian academics.

Funding opportunities for Palestinian students and academics

We are collecting information on funding opportunities for Palestinian students and academics, and to develop our activities (for example to organize scientific schools in Palestine, exchange programs for Palestinian students, funding opportunities for Palestinian students to study abroad, supporting media project to talk about the impact of the Israeli Occupation on education in Palestine).

If you know of any funding opportunity that might be useful please take a moment to share it with us here.
We plan to compile some of this information to make it publicly available on our website.

Thank you!

International Meeting for Science in Palestine

Our first International Meeting for Science in Palestine ended last Sunday, January 7th, after a productive weekend where scientists from all over the world, including the West Bank and Gaza came together to discuss how to implement concrete programs and long term visions to strengthen the growth of science in Palestine and help build ties between the Palestinian and international scientific communities. The final program is available here.

If you couldn’t attend the meeting in person you can watch the talks here.

International Meeting for Science in Palestine

Applications are now open for our first International Meeting for Science in Palestine, to be held in Cambridge, U.K., from January 5th through 7th, 2018.

This will be the first international gathering to discuss how to implement concrete programs and long term visions to strengthen the growth of science in Palestine and help build ties between the Palestinian and international scientific communities. The target audience is a mix of Palestinian academics and students, and of international scientists committed to advancing these goals. For more information visit the meeting’s website here.


Students from Gaza

Four students from Gaza were forced to remotely participate to PAPS 2017, the second Palestinian Advanced Physics School at Birzeit University as they were denied travel permits to attend the school. The restrictions imposed by the Israeli government are so strict that even delivering the physical certificate to them was not easy.
Thanks to Dr. Wafaa Khater and Dr. Badran, from Birzeit University and to Dr. Sulaiman al Barakeh from Al Aqsa University in Gaza, they were able to obtain a more than a well deserved certificate recognizing their work.

PAPS 2017 a great success

The 2017 edition of the Palestinian Advanced Physics School, hosted by Birzeit University, ended on July 13th. We are happy to say that the school was a great success!

The incredible success of the school would not have been possible without the support of the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), our local Palestinian support and the over two-hundreds donors who have contributed with small and large donations to raise the funds to make this event a reality. There are no words to thank you enough!

Visit our facebook page for more photos of the school and for videos of the lectures.

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